Community Empowerment Skills for Adults

Community empowerment skills for adults

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Recognise and showcase best practice.

Celebrate success and showcase best practice with green skills adoption to all stakeholders using a wide range of channels.

Pilot new community-based provision in green skills.

Colleges should, with support from WMCA, pilot new and innovative community-based provision to support empowerment in green skills.

Partner with community groups on green skills.

Partner with community groups to engage people locally in projects that support sustainability and green skills.






Develop programmes to support community-based sustainability initiatives.

Using WMCA flexibilities in adult education funding, some colleges, working in partnership with community groups, could develop adult education programmes designed to provide adults with the skills to engage in community-based sustainability initiatives including programmes in:

  • Sustainable and organic community gardens.
  • Rewilding your neighbourhoods.
  • Creating and caring for green spaces.
  • Saving on fuel bills.
  • Retrofitting green technologies on your house.
  • Recycling and upcycling.
  • Sustainable travel.
Green Skills Strategy

Green skills at the heart of strategy

Technical Green Skills for Adults and Young People

Technical green skills for young people and adults

Green Custodianship Skills for Young People

Green custodianship skills for young people

Community Empowerment Skills for Adults

Community empowerment skills for adults

Sustainable Leadership Skills for SMEs

Sustainability leadership skills for employers
