The Green Skills Roadmap is an interactive tool designed to help colleges address the region's current and future green skills needs. This Roadmap aims to be both practical and useful for colleges.
The Green Skills Roadmap serves three main purposes:
Providing Information:
Each section of the Green Skills Roadmap includes links to articles and resources on the complex issue of green skills. These resources will interest college leaders, staff, governors, students, and other stakeholders. Simply click the links to learn more.
Assessing Current College Provision and Participation:
The Roadmap evaluates the current green skills provision and participation in FE colleges in the region, divided into five sections:

Green skills at the heart of strategy

Technical green skills for young people and adults

Green custodianship skills for young people

Community empowerment skills for adults

Sustainability leadership skills for employers
In the Technical Green Skills for Young People and Adults section, you can explore interactive dashboards displaying key data on current participation levels in technical skills programmes related to green skills jobs. These programmes are either directly related to or are preparatory for future green skills jobs.
There are three dashboards available:
The select-a-category feature allows this data to be broken down by the region’s priority sectors.
Signposting the Future:
Recognising that colleges are at different stages in their green skills journey, the Green Skills Roadmap provides a comprehensive list of actions or “signposts” for all colleges to follow.
These signposts are supported by a series of best-practice case studies, showcasing how individual colleges are addressing the green skills challenge. By following these examples, much can be learned.
If all colleges follow these signposts, we can collectively enhance our contribution to green skills in the West Midlands and Warwickshire.
We hope you find the Green Skills Road Map useful.
For more information, contact lowell.williams@collegeswestmidlands.org.uk.