Green Custodianship Skills for Young People

Green custodianship skills for young people

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Engage the students’ union in green citizenship

Engage students’ unions in colleges in the influential role they can play in championing green citizenship across their membership bodies.

Share green custodianship resources across colleges

Set up a West Midlands professional network for growing and sharing learning resources to support green custodianship.

Ensure links between green skills and digital are clear.

Ensure that the potential for digital to impact on green skills is clearly understood and acted upon.






Increase participation in green skills within World Skills.

Support and encourage more young people to participate in World Skills competitions in green skills disciplines.

Promote green careers and green skills to young women.

Promote green skills programmes for young women, working in collaboration with all agencies and stakeholders connecting with young people.






Develop and promote a WM green careers strategy.

Working collaboratively and drawing on EAUC resources, develop and deliver a regional green careers strategy making resources available to all colleges in the region. Promote the green careers skills strategy in schools across Warwickshire and the West Midlands.

Develop a method to assess green custodianship.

Working collaboratively develop a methodology for assessing the impact of embedded green custodianship skills on Study Programmes for young people aged 16-19 years. Pilot the methodology.

Embed green custodianship in all study programmes.

Embed skills and knowledge on green custodianship and green citizenship into core units of Study Programmes across all curricula areas for learners aged 16-19 years.

Green Skills Strategy

Green skills at the heart of strategy

Technical Green Skills for Adults and Young People

Technical green skills for young people and adults

Green Custodianship Skills for Young People

Green custodianship skills for young people

Community Empowerment Skills for Adults

Community empowerment skills for adults

Sustainable Leadership Skills for SMEs

Sustainability leadership skills for employers
