Technical green skills for young people and adults
Address gender imbalance in participation in green skills.
Colleges should ...
Take action to address the gender imbalance in adult green skills programs. This is crucial to fostering greater inclusivity and diversity.
Work with key stakeholders on regional priorities for adult technical green skills.
Colleges should ...
Working collaboratively and with key stakeholders, agree regional priorities for adult technical green skills updating and a design regional delivery plan.
Develop and promote a comprehensive technical green skills programme offer for adults.
Colleges should ...
With an emphasis on modular programmes, short courses, bootcamps, and sector-based work academies, develop and promote an enhanced adult technical green skills updating offer including programmes in:
- Electric and hybrid vehicle design, manufacture, maintenance, and repair.
- Electric vehicle charging.
- Air and ground source heat pump installation and maintenance.
- Building insulation and treatment.
- Building information modelling and modular construction.
- Building energy management systems.
- Hydrogen boilers.
- Retrofit advisory services and installation.
- Smart metering.
- Solar panel installation and maintenance.
- Automation and robotics.
- Battery system manufacture, installation, decommissioning and recycling.
- Electrical engineering and installation.
- Sustainable manufacturing.
- Sustainable recycling, waste, and resource management.
- Ecology services.
- Sustainable land management and precision farming.
Secure funding for ongoing adult participation in electrical installation.
Colleges should ...
Colleges and WMCA need to ensure that funding remains available to support adult participation in electrical installation, both at level 2 and level 3, either through the WMCA adult education budget or ‘free courses for jobs’.
Set and monitor participation targets by provider in adult technical green skills.
Colleges should ...
Set targets and monitor institutional performance of participation in adult technical green skills updating programmes.
Through CWM set and monitor regional participation targets in adult technical green skills.
Colleges should ...
Through the Colleges West Midlands dashboard, collectively set, monitor, and report on regional participation in adult technical green skills programme.
Partner closely with businesses in the development and delivery of adult green skills updating programmes.
Colleges should ...
Partner more closely with employers in the development, delivery, and promotion of adult green skills updating programmes.
Set and monitor participation targets for participation of young people in pipeline programmes for green careers.
Colleges should ...
Set and monitor institutional targets for the participation of young people in study programmes which are a pipeline for future careers in green occupations including:
- Construction and Building Services
- Engineering
- Science.
Work with businesses on apprenticeships in core green occupations and those needing secondary green skills.
Colleges should ...
Working closely with employers develop an apprenticeship offer focused on core green occupations and rebuild the region’s apprenticeship provision in occupations requiring secondary green skills, including apprenticeship in the following sectors:
- Automotive
- Construction and Building Services
- Electrical Installation
- Energy and Utilities
- Engineering (including Electrical Installation)
- Environmental Services
- Manufacturing.
Review participation in green skills programmes at levels four and above.
Colleges should ...
Carry out a future review of participation regionally in the green skills offer at levels four and above (higher technical qualification).
Investigate opportunities to develop an offer in Energy and Utilities and Environmental Services.
Colleges should ...
Investigate opportunities to develop an offer in Energy and Utilities and in Environmental Services.

Green skills at the heart of strategy

Technical green skills for young people and adults

Green custodianship skills for young people

Community empowerment skills for adults

Sustainability leadership skills for employers